“The Life and Times of Skippy and Joyce” was a movie pitch I developed with my friend Victoria Vincent (Vewn). It was about two rebellious cat characters based off our cats Lucky and Dorbee, who live in outer space and have to go on a road trip to join a cult. We were really excited about the idea and had been thinking about making it for a year, and we put together the pitch because a big-time movie studio contacted me asking me to pitch my “weirdest idea for a movie”, and I actually believed that they wanted that, because they said they did. So we put this pitch together and they immediately said it was “too weird”. Isn’t that so cool? You could have had a feature length comedy movie made by me and Vewn with characters based on our cats, but they didn’t let us make it because it was too weird when they told us they wanted something weird. I hope you love that, because I seriously love it.