The Stilton series is about growing up in a simple and quiet cartoon meant for children. Victoria and I are projecting our own experiences of growing up and experiencing the world for the first time onto a world made to be simple and soft spoken and only slightly challenging. We want it to feel the same as growing up in real life, where everything’s basically the same as it was when you were younger, but your understanding of it has expanded. Things start to make sense, and click into place. Everything technically looks the same, nothing’s really changed, but you understand it now for what it really is. You have realizations as you get more information about your family members, friends and heroes.

Everything isn’t as kind as you once thought it was, although it still has a kindness, it’s just harder to find. You’re finding the capacity to be hurt and challenged by a world that you initially thought was supposed to be safe and welcoming, and you’re coming to terms with it. It’s not that the world has lied to you, it’s always been the way that it is now, you’ve just stopped giving it credit. It’s a world you used to consider warm and friendly, becoming less and less so, without it even changing, just your perception.

Imagine coming of age story in a universe like “Maisy”, “Kipper”, or “Peppa Pig”.

The Stilton series was initially conceived by Victoria and I as a TV show pitch. I loved it so much I decided to just start making the episodes on my free time when the pitch was rejected.

The final episode, episode 6, will be in the same vein as the original Stilton’s in Charge short and with Victoria and I collaborating on it again, but more of a longer film.

Character designs by Victoria Vincent

Character designs by Victoria Vincent

Stilton plushie by Sophia Wagganer

Stilton plushie by Sophia Wagganer

(Left, above) Fanart by Couchreptoid

(Left, above) Fanart by Couchreptoid

Fanart by Mysillycomics

Fanart by Mysillycomics