Goodbye Forever party (2017)

My second year film at CalArts. The idea came after I saw a behind-the-scenes video of the Teletubbies in 2016, where I discovered that there were performers inside the costumes, which I previously didn’t know. I started imagining a film in which I explored the inner lives of each of the teletubby performers, but had to condense the film down and focus on just one of them. Originally, I was writing the film as a comedy with some dramatic elements, but during the writing process, the film ended up taking a really drastic shift, and ended up being intensely personal in a way I wouldn’t even fully comprehend until many years later. The film reflects my own struggles with depression and dissociative identity disorder.

I wrote the film from May-January 2016, animated the film in 3 months, and completed it in late April 2017.

Music by Scallion Chloe, Zekkeraya El-Magharbel, and Dylan Kanner. Scallion Chloe released an album featuring all the music she made from the film, Dylan Kanner released a full version of the song he wrote for the credits

Special thanks to Erica Larsen Dockray, Aster Pang, Emily Martinez, Jenna Caravello, Kai Lynn Jiang, Sam Lane, Victoria Vincent, Worsey, Benni Quintero, Alexander Stewart, Maureen Selwood, Josh Shaffner & Gary Mairs.

2/5 of my "Wasteland" film series. 

Official Selection - Slamdance Film Festival 2019.

Official Selection - San Diego Underground Film Festival 2018. 

Animation of the Month - May 2017 - Monthly Film Festival. 

Screened at "Malt Adult" animation screening in Columbus, Ohio. 

